Questions tagged [solomons-boneyard]

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4 votes
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What do each of the bonus wizards do?

There are 6 unlockable characters in Solomon's Boneyard: Wegnus (The White) Griselda (The Sorceress) Vorpus (The Magician) Athicus (The Diviner) Andra (The Medium) Wazoo (The Storm Mage) What are ...
GnomeSlice's user avatar
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Does Mourning the Dead Serve Any Practical Purpose? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is there any benefit to honoring all the graves in Solomon's Boneyard? In Solomon's Boneyard, if you pause your wizard/witch over a tombstone for a short moment, you place ...
GnomeSlice's user avatar
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Does Solomon's digging have any effect on gameplay?

I have occasionally caught Solomon in the process of digging up more graves in the midst of the battle. Getting close to him while he's digging causes him to jump out and run away. Does interrupting ...
sjohnston's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is there any benefit to honoring all the graves in Solomon's Boneyard?

I know there's an achievement for honoring all the graves (standing still for a second, therefore placing flowers) in the level, but is there any gameplay benefit to doing so?
Dave Cowart's user avatar
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