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Questions tagged [star-wars-battlefront-2015]

A 2015 first-person shooter, developed by EA DICE and Criterion Games for Windows, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. For questions about the 2004 LucasArts Game of the same name, use the [star-wars-battlefront] tag instead.

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11 votes
2 answers

What are the differences between ships in Battlefront (x-wing, a-wing, tie, tie interceptor)

What are the differences between ships in Battlefront? The tie interceptor seems faster than the tie fighter, but also seems to die from less direct hits. The A-wing also seems to be a smaller, ...
GarrettJ's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How does one upgrade a trait card?

I recently unlocked the "Scout" trait star card, and I noticed that it has 3 different levels with ever increasing effects. Level 1: Sprinting does not show on enemy scanner. Level 2: ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

What split-screen options are available in Battlefront?

How many players can play split-screen, and what game modes are (or aren't) available? How many players can play local co-op? How many players can play local multiplayer? How many players can play ...
yoozer8's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How do you kill ground troops with a starfighter?

I enjoy flying starfighters like the X-Wing and TIE fighters in ship-to-ship combat, but have a hard time hitting anything on the ground without crashing. This is because the ship only shoots in the ...
DCShannon's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How exactly does the radar work?

There are bits and pieces on the topic, but haven't seen a comprehensive description. Three layers – What are the distances? Is the distance of the outer infinite? Color – Brighter red ...
gerleim's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What are the hitboxes in Battlefront?

Different shooters treat shooting different parts of the body differently. Many Call of Duty titles only separate the body into two areas: the head, and everything else (with the exception of sniper ...
DCShannon's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Does destroying the Y-Wings at Walker Assault have any effect?

Does destroying the Y-Wings at Walker Assault have any effect? Like does it decrease the time the rebels can attack the walker? And does it matter if you do it after or before the Y-Wings fire at the ...
Ivo's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Under what conditions do auto-turrets stay in play?

The bonus pickups provide a number of auto-turrets, both for personal and for vehicles, as well as droids that can fire in a similar manner. That left me wondering how long they last once I'm killed, ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Damaging AT-ATs on Hoth

Do the AT-ATs, once their shields are taken down, take part-based damage? If I shoot the head or neck, will I inflict more damage than if I shoot the body? Or do all parts take hits equally?
Adam's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What algorithm determines when and where hero tokens appear?

I've noticed that most tokens appear in specific locations, as if each token type has some predefined slots on each map where it may appear (besides hero and pod drops, of course). I've also noticed ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How do I wrap cables around AT-ATs with the Snowspeeder?

I'm having trouble figuring out exactly how the Snowspeeder mechanics work — specifically cabling AT-ATs — because they're always quickly shot down by TIE Fighters. On PC, what do you ...
Adam's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Where should one hit an AT-ST Walker to do the most damage?

Recently when fighting an AT-ST Walker it appeared to take more damage per blaster shot on the legs than than the "head" of the walker. Similar to how the AT-AT walker takes more damage on different ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

What are the actual requirements for "Playing the Objective"?

I recently started playing blast for the trophy/achievement "Playing the Objective" that states "Have the most kills in a match of Blast". I have video evidence of a score screen with confirmation, ...
GarrettJ's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to clash lightsabers?

I was looking at one of the trailers for Battlefront. At the end Vader and Luke clash lightsabers. How can I clash lightsabers?
MadMrCrazy's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to detach the tow cable?

In Star Wars: Battlefront, when flying the snow speeder, I can launch the tow cable (by pressing Y on Xbox One) and circle an AT-AT and kill it just fine. At the end of killing an AT-AT, the "mission ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to shoot through squad shields?

If I deploy a Squad Shield around a few of my teammates and I, is it possible for enemies to shoot through the shield with heavy weapons such as the AT-ST's canon, the AT-AT's canons, turrets, or air ...
Adam's user avatar
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1 answer

Will a flash grenade blind a hero?

The flash grenade is not a particular effective Star Card, it doesn't do any damage and if your not careful you have a decent chance of blinding yourself with it. I was wondering, however, if it can ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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4 votes
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Can I earn trophies in a Private Match?

EA recently added private matches to Battlefront so that you can play with/against your friends. Can these games affect your progress towards trophies (or achievements on xbox)? IE I get 3 friends, ...
GarrettJ's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Do all non-hero melee attacks do 50% damage?

Most of the soldier melee attacks seem to cause about 50% damage to another regular soldier. But other times, I am not so certain, because sometimes soldiers seem go to go down after single hit. On ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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Is it possible to roll using the controller?

Is it possible to roll in Star Wars Battlefront (the 2015 version) by using the controller on Xbox?
rappatic's user avatar
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2 answers

Can you spot enemies in Star Wars: Battlefront

I've been looking at some gameplay of the new SW: Battlefront but I haven't seen any one use spotting. Does this simply not exist in this shooter? Or does it work in a non-conventional way (e.g. by a ...
Bram Vanroy's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Does the Bowcaster kill in one shot?

I realized that the bowcaster was recently nerfed (I'm playing on XBox One), but does it still kill in one shot?
Parzival's user avatar
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Star Wars: Battlefront (2015) freezes computer on launch

Computer Specs... i5 6600k (not overclocked... yet) Gigabyte gtx 1060 6g 16GB of DDR4 ram at 2666 mhz MSI Z170 - A Pro Motherboard Whenever I try to start battlefront my computer freezes. Nothing ...
Jacques's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Small black circles with numbers around objective locations in Star Wars Battlefront

In Star Wars Battlefront 2015, I have noticed small black circles that have numbers in them next to locations of importance, such as control points. Occasionally, they will have a yellow border, too. ...
Arti Schmidt's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I practice my marksmanship for multiplayer?

I have a lot of trouble hitting things in Battlefront. I think this is mostly due to how much time I've spent playing Call of Duty, which using line trace mechanics to determine whether you've hit ...
DCShannon's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How do I calculate my blaster's damage?

I've noticed that the weapons in Battlefront do a lot of damage at close quarters, but the damage reduces with distance. Is there a formula for this? And if so, is it the same for all weapons?
Parzival's user avatar
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What time of day is the best time to play Star Wars Battlefront?

I just bought the game and this is my first time ever playing online multiplayer games. As I live in Asia, I am concerned about time zone differences. Waiting for a full game (before it can start) is ...
thegreatjedi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Star Wars Battlefront Splitscreen [duplicate]

I am considering purchasing Star Wars Battlefront (the new one from DICE), and saw that it had a split-screen mode. Is this only available when doing the "Missions" or can you play in split-screen in ...
Arti Schmidt's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Do skins give any perks in SWBF?

Do the faction skins in Star Wars Battlefront give any advantages or disadvantages to the player? Such as increasing the hitboxes, making it much easier to get headshots on players with the Twi'lek or ...
Parzival's user avatar
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Why do I keep dying in melee battles?

Every once in awhile when I sneak up on someone and melee them to get the extra points, it takes more than one hit, is this because of the gun i'm using? Or is it because of where i'm hitting? Or just ...
Parzival's user avatar
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What are the different relative speeds of each flying craft?

In this question: What are the differences between ships in Battlefront (x-wing, a-wing, tie, tie interceptor) the general characteristics of the different flying craft are discussed but speed is only ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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3 answers

Does the DLT-19 Heavy Blaster have any advantage over the RT-97C?

In the wikia entry for RT-97C Heavy Blaster it says: The RT-97C outclasses the DLT-19 Heavy Blaster in every way, making it a critical upgrade for any players that prefer using rapid-fire heavy ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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2 answers

Can you play Yoda in Star Wars Battlefront?

I heard there is a way to choose Yoda as character in the game Star wars battlefront. Is it true? If yes, how can I do that?
dariodip's user avatar
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What content of the Outer Rim DLC can be accessed without buying the season pass?

I really want to play the Outer Rim, and get all the weapons that come with it, but I don't want to pay fifty dollars for the season pass to get the DLC. Do I absolutely need to get the season pass to ...
Parzival's user avatar
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1 answer

Do I need Playstation Plus to play Splitscreen?

Can I play Star Wars Battlefront (2015) without having Playstation Plus? What about Splitscreen mode?
dariodip's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Star Wars Battlefront: Do healing streaks increase your trait card level?

In Star Wars Battlefront, do healing streaks increase your trait card level?
Scott Bordelon's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is Challenge Difficulty Completely Random?

I've noticed that once I completed the heavy blaster challenge, which was something like: "kill 25 people with heavy blasters", the next challenge was kill 75 people will blasters, and the rewards ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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How do I melee with Boba Fett?

When I'm Boba Fett, I keep getting killed by people who come up to me and popping a personal shield and then meleeing me and taking a lot of health, how do I melee back? I realize I could use the ...
Parzival's user avatar
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1 answer

Lost on screen player help when reaching rank 25

I'm a horrible shot and also have a hard time determining the difference of friend and foe. I relied heavily on the on-screen info that I was given when my cross hair passed over a player, showing ...
dtmp's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Are Smoke Grenades cumulative?

Does throwing a second smoke grenade make the smoke darker or is the effect not cumulative? Does it depend if it is thrown at the same point or is there an algorithm that calculates which parts of the ...
Moisés Briseño Estrello's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can my brother and I play on the same PS4 console with two different PS+ accounts?

So my brother has a PlayStation Plus account and so do I, but when trying to play multiplayer online for the new Battlefront game, they wouldn't allow me to play. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
AaronM's user avatar
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What is the best way to get a game on the Battlefront 2015 DLC on PC?

I would really like to play the dlc maps on Star Wars Battlefront 2015. Unfortunately I can't find any games. Does anyone know what is the best matchmaking region to play on? Is death star, bespin, ...
Millard's user avatar
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Buttons in X-Wing cockpit - what do they do? (Vr experience)

I was surprised that i could not find references online. Anyway the buttons in the cockpit can be pushed - most seem to do nothing but lighting up. But some seem to trigger that I don't know how ...
bdecaf's user avatar
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1 answer

Transferring via Origin: 'Star Wars Battlefront'. Can I resell? [duplicate]

I'm a mac user and tried to install the new star wars battlefront, which is Windows only. I purchased the for PC 'download only' disc from EA, which includes only a code for installation. I ...
Super_John's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Are all modes available in a non-deluxe version of Star Wars Battlefront?

If I buy just a normal version of Star Wars Battlefront (2015), are all blocked modes, and maps of beta version available? Further, is the Season Pass only for modes yet to be revealed?
Patrick Maciel's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do I play Offline Co-Op?

How can I play offline co-op on Star Wars Battlefront on Xbox One? I have been able to play Multiplayer Offline, Player 1 vs Player 2, but how do I play Player 1 + Player 2 VS AI Enemy? Step-by-step ...
HRG's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to play Splitscreen Online? [duplicate]

Is it possible to play splitscreen online in starwars battlefront on the ps4. I've tried to invite my friends to the party, and then play, but that doesn't work. Please respond to me if you know
Hockeyknight97 's user avatar
0 votes
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Can I upgrade my Star Wars: Battlefront edition with Ultimate edition?

I have a "normal only" Star Wars: Battlefront Edition (without any DLC) and I want to buy a season pass. But I have the opportunity to buy an Ultimate Edition in one store (because of a discount). If ...
sgt Fury's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

My Star Wars : Battlefront won't run outside of Demo mode

I bought a physical copy of Star Wars Battlefront for PlayStation 4, inserted it in my console, and let it update. After it was finished updating, I ran the game, and was shown an installation screen....
Eisler 485's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Is it possible to play Star Wars Battlefront 2015 on Oculus Rift?

Is it possible to play Star Wars Battlefront 2015 on the Oculus Rift? I've heard of an Oculus Rift app called Xbox Game Streaming, and was wondering if it was possible to use that to play my Xbox copy ...
rappatic's user avatar
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