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Questions tagged [starmade]

a voxel-based 3D sandbox space shooter by Schine, GmbH. Players strive to dominate entire galaxies, harnessing the universe’s resources to build their empires and attack/defend from others.

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Block rotation preview box

When in advanced build mode (holding ctrl), there is a box on the right that is supposed to show a preview of what orientation the block is facing, but for some reason, the box is empty when I play. ...
John Klubertanz's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to rotate myself?

I am having trouble in Starmade. I am currentlty building a base, and I want to rotate my character so that his feet are on the floor. The base is oriented correctly, I checked that through the build ...
Søren Aleksandr's user avatar
8 votes
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Is it possible to fire a weapon through logic?

I'm trying to make rail-docked wings that fold around and do other such stuff, but the weapons will be on it, which happens to be a separate entity to the main ship I'm building. Is there any way to ...
Tachytaenius's user avatar
1 vote
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How can you get a turret docking unit in starmade?

I am trying to make a turret to protect my new station, but the shop refuses to sell them, claiming they are too old for use. I cannot /give one in either. It is like they don't even exist anymore. Is ...
John Klubertanz's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to build the most efficient 5*5*5 power generation system?

To fill just a 5*5*5 space what would be the most efficient power generation configuration?
Coyote's user avatar
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1 answer

Detect if a door is manually opened or closed

How can we precede to detect if a door is manually opened (as opposed to opened using an activation module).
Coyote's user avatar
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Installing StarMade on the Surface Pro

Here is StarMade: and here is where I found my graphics driver update: Im running Java (Version 7 Update 25). ...
ContextSwitch's user avatar