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A classic turn-based 4X multiplayer game developed by Jeff Johnson and Jeff McBride ("the Jeffs"), originally released in 1995 and still being played. May be played by e-mail, although dedicated hosting software exists. Has install size of about 2MB, but manual about 15mm thick.

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4 votes
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Running Stars! on Windows 7

It's the holidays and I'm feeling a bit nostalgic so I've decided to break out my old copy of Stars!. Unfortunately I can't get it running on Windows 7. The troubleshooter suggests running in XP SP2 ...
hafichuk's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

What happened to 'Stars!'? [closed]

'Stars!' was a complex 4X game in the mold of Master of Orion. It was a fantastic game from the mid-90's written by an independent group. It was distributed using the shareware model with the upgrade ...
Kelly S. French's user avatar