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Questions tagged [sword-of-the-stars-the-pit]

Sword of the Stars: The Pit is a turn-based role-playing game with roguelike elements set in the _Sword of the Stars_ universe, developed by Kerberos Productions.

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Is bonus from Tactical Database shared with other characters/runs?

I've used Tactical Database successfully few times, and I wonder if the bonus from it works only for current character or available in other runs too? Cannot find any info about it on wiki.
arghtype's user avatar
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How does Transmogrifier work exactly?

I'm playing as Engineer, I leveled up mostly Brains/ Finesse, utility skills like Computers/Lockpicking/Decipher, etc. I also have some points in combat skills like Pistol/Rifle/Blade. I've never put ...
arghtype's user avatar
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Is it possible to zoom map?

Is it possible to zoom while viewing map? Z works for general camera, but doesn't do so when map is opened. It's so frustrating - all devices are on the map, but icons are too small to be useful!
arghtype's user avatar
  • 14.2k
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3 answers

How is Sword of the Stars: Gold Edition DLC different from the "regular" one?

In the spirit of this question and in view of the current Humble Weekly Bundle: Does the Gold edition change the game forever? Is it rather an option at launch or in the settings screen? I know ...
badp's user avatar
  • 56.7k
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How can I mitigate disease?

I've been playing The Pit lately, and I've found I die consistently from disease. In fact, it's my sole cause of death. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to when your disease level goes up or ...
Frank's user avatar
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How do I get more crafting recipes?

I decrypted a message from a console, and it has done this. I don't seem to be able to decrypt it further, so I assumed this was a clue to a crafting recipe. But I put a casing fragment, logic ...
Ronan's user avatar
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Inventory issues in The Pit

I am constantly, constantly running out of inventory space. I like to craft with my engineer and I'm on floor 28 so I'm pretty far down there. I'll probably play again with a Marine. Can someone give ...
Cabbit's user avatar
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What's a weapon mount?

I just found a plasma cannon, and in its description there's a "mount" entry: What does it mean?
Oak's user avatar
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What are the differences between difficulty levels in SOTS: The Pit?

When starting a character, there are four difficulty levels: Easy Normal Hard Insane What changes based on the difficulty chosen? The wiki shows that experience gained changes, but is there anything ...
SaintWacko's user avatar
  • 28.4k
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What benefits does a sniper rifle offer over a rifle?

In my first playthrough, I was using a rifle a lot with my Engineer. When I found the ingredients needed to upgrade to a sniper rifle, I did so, assuming it would be a better weapon. Instead, it ...
Beofett's user avatar
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What determines how many levels a skill receives when it is leveled up?

When I've leveled up a skill, I have seen it receive one, two or three levels. What determines that number?
SaintWacko's user avatar
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What determines how many skill points it takes to level up a skill?

When leveling up, it will take either one or two points to level up a skill. I know it's related to how much the skill is used, but exactly what determines how many points are required?
SaintWacko's user avatar
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Is it worth upgrading my laser rifle to a pulse rifle?

I have a laser rifle, which does decent damage and can fire 25 shots for each energy pack. I have the required ingredients to convert it to a pulse rifle, but is it worth it, or will that just eat ...
Oak's user avatar
  • 58.6k
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Is there a reason to save items I don't need?

Is there any reason to keep items I don't need anymore? Or should I always discard them? And if I discard them, should I "drop" or "destroy"?
Oak's user avatar
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I've triggered an alarm, what does that mean?

In Sword of the Stars: The Pit, I occasionally trigger an alarm - e.g. when failing to unlock a door. What are the implications of an alarm? Should I care?
Oak's user avatar
  • 58.6k
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Is there any strategy against adaptoids?

I'm having problem with adaptoids, they're annoying and not always easy to deal with. Even if i manage to kill them fast they still manage to do a lot of damage to my armor and weapons. And sometimes ...
MaxBedlam's user avatar
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What can I do with a disintegration bay?

These can be interacted with, and sometimes booby-trapped, but: Since booby-trapping in general seems to have precious little use, is there any reason to touch these at all? Am I missing something or ...
Ingmar's user avatar
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What can I make with the lab station?

In Sword of the Stars, you have a cooking station where you can prepare all kinds of things. But there is also a lab station where you can make items. But you have to get the recipes but it can also ...
Lyrion's user avatar
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Is there a way to rebind keys?

I was wondering if there's a way to rebind the keys in Sword of the Stars: The Pit, because I can't seem to find any way to. If there isn't a way, have the developers given any indication that there ...
zeke's user avatar
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How do you cancel the interaction bar?

When you try to activate/use/open hubs, consoles, boxes and other similiar objects in the game an interaction bar pops up and it takes up to few turns for it to fill up which results in you finishing ...
MaxBedlam's user avatar
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4 answers

Which food can be crafted by using which ingredients?

I'm having some problems with crafting food in Sword of the Stars: The Pit. Can someone make a list of all food that can be crafted and list which ingredients need to be used for each? I will also ...
MaxBedlam's user avatar
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Where does Sword of the Stars: The Pit saves screenshots?

I took few screenshots in game and I can't find them anywhere. There doesn't seem to be a screenshots folder anywhere inside the folder where game is installed. I also searched My Documents folder and ...
MaxBedlam's user avatar
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3 answers

What do each of the three primary attributes affect?

In Sword of the Stars: The Pit there are 3 primary attributes: Might, Finesse and Brains. What does each of these affects? EDIT: I found out while playing that 10 Might = 6 inventory blocks in a row ...
MaxBedlam's user avatar
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