Questions tagged [tetris-99]

A multiplayer Tetris-based video game, developed by Arika and published by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch in 2019. It incorporates battle royale mechanics to allow up to 99 players to compete online in a series of drop-out duels.

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Disable event theme during event in tetris 99

I'm visually impaired, and I find that many of the newer themes have a bad colour contrast, especially with the ghost block. So even during events, I'd like to keep using the default theme in online ...
bigblind's user avatar
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What happens if everyone picks the same team in Tetris 99 Team Battle?

In one of the previous Super Lobby events, Blink told everyone to select blue team, just to see what would happen. But there were 9 people who didn't follow the instructions 😉. So, I was wondering, ...
ahiijny's user avatar
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What does targeting "K.O.s" do? [duplicate]

I thought it targeted the player with the most KO's, but I saw a review from IGN that says it targets the person closest to being KO'd. Which is it?
Gimme the 411's user avatar
4 votes
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Can you control the garbage rows in some way?

When garbage rows are sent your way, they sometimes have the gap in the same place, allowing you to clear up to four rows at once with a single line piece. Other times however, the gaps are scattered ...
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What are badges, and how do they work?

There is an attacking option called "Badges". What are badges, and how do they work? What does the 000% UP stand for at the very bottom? From what I've looked up they serve as "gear" for players, ...
childe's user avatar
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What are the differences in targets, and when should I switch to one?

So I get the 4 options for target selection are: Attackers Badges Randoms K.O.s What I don't understand is the pros/cons for selecting each one, and what situations would make each one useful. ...
childe's user avatar
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