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Questions tagged [worms-armageddon]

Worms Armageddon is an artillery/turn-based strategy game developed by Team17 and released 23rd April 1999. The player controls a team of up to eight worms in combat against opposing AI or Human teams.

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32 votes
1 answer

Which of the player's actions trigger a replay in Worms Armageddon?

In Worms Armageddon some of the player's actions may trigger an instant replay of what had happened a moment earlier. What is the exact algorithm that decides when to show a relpay?
Sashko Lykhenko's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What does the icon next to the player's name mean in Wormnet?

In Worms Armageddon, when you're playing online via Wormnet, there is an icon displayed next to your name and country flag. Usually, it is a bronze medal in the shape of a chevron. What does this icon ...
Oran D. Lord's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Worms Armageddon lags during game play on Windows 7

Worms Armageddon is installed and all menu options work except the drop bars, they are blank (not including during gameplay) ****The worst is during game play, it lags so bad it is impossible to play....
rockstar's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why can't I install Worms Armageddon on Windows 7?

After I tell it to install, a setup page comes up and says it is opening the installer. Once it loads to 100% it disappears and then nothing happens. Any ideas?
John's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

How can I play Worms Armageddon on Windows 7?

I am experiencing trouble with Worms Armageddon on Windows 7; the program crashes after launch. The game runs perfectly under Windows XP. Launching the game in compatibility mode does not help. How ...
Grigor Gevorgyan's user avatar