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Can I play on my Xbox one with someone else that is on a Xbox 360? [duplicate]

Am I able to play my Xbox one online and join my friends game who is playing on a Xbox 360? If so what games?
Josh's user avatar
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How can I access backward compatible Xbox 360 games from the store, on the Xbox One?

As of now, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is available for free with Xbox Live Gold. Operation Flashpoint is an Xbox 360 game, but it was ported to Xbox One via backwards compatibility. How can ...
xrep's user avatar
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Copy Xbox 360 saves to Xbox One without Cloud

I want to copy my old (Fallout 3) saves from my Xbox 360 to the Xbox One to continue playing, maybe even with another Xbox account, and without the Cloud storage. Is it somehow possible to achieve ...
Obl Tobl's user avatar
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10 votes
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Can I play against or with Xbox 360 players through my Xbox One?

Is it possible to play against and with Xbox 360 players through my Xbox One?
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