Questions tagged [xcom-chimera-squad]

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0 votes
1 answer

What do resonance pylons do?

They're in the final mission for the 'Progeny' investigation, but they don't seem to do anything. IIRC in XCOM 2 they were for timed mission events, but there is no timer here. So what are they for?
4 votes
1 answer

What is the damage variance for weapons in Chimera Squad?

When I have an agent with an Assault Rifle (Verge, etc.), the listed damage of hitting with a weapon is listed as 4-6. (Before modifiers) What are the chances of hitting each point of damage? Is it ...
0 votes
1 answer

Which actions are turn ending under which circumstances?

I would be interested in a comprehensive explanation of when certain actions are turn ending. There's those where it's simple, like shooting, as they say "will end turn". Others which are obviously ...
14 votes
2 answers

Which items in Chimera Squad are one time use?

I'm looking for an explanation of which items in XCOM: Chimera Squad can be reused and which are consumed after one mission. Googling hasn't really turned up anything useful, so I'd be very grateful ...
6 votes
1 answer

How do conflicting breach modifiers stack?

What's going on here? Do these just cancel out and this breach entrance effectively has no modifiers?
3 votes
2 answers

Does subduing enemies give the same experience as killing them?

In XCOM: Chimera Squad, does subduing enemies give the same experience as killing them? I've been subduing a lot of enemies for several reasons (sometimes it's tactically more reliable, for Verge's ...
8 votes
1 answer

How do I call my own Android reinforcements in XCOM Chimera Squad?

I have 2 android reinforcements(named Prince and Ice) available but they never show up when an agent is down during a mission. I read a Reddit post saying that if I have an agent "knocked off", an ...
6 votes
1 answer

Can I use a free field team to upgrade an existing one?

Some mission rewards grant a free field team. If I already have a level 1+ field team in all 9 districts, can I use that free field team to upgrade an existing team, or is it wasted?
8 votes
1 answer

Are dead or unconscious enemies part of the Neural Network?

Verge's Crowdsource ability grants the following passive: Verge gains +5 Aim and +10 Critical Chance for each enemy in the Neutral Network. This seems like a nice ability, but in my experience you ...