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Questions tagged [zoombinis]

Zoombinis is a re-release of the 1996 game "Logical Journey of the Zoombinis" by Broderbund Software. It is a series of puzzles testing the player's logical capacity.

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Patterns for Allergic Cliffs and Stone Cold Caves

So in the early difficulties, the Allergic Cliffs and Stone Cold Caves levels have a discernible pattern - they focus on a combination of one, two or three features that they do/don't like. However on ...
Ben's user avatar
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Zoombinis level ascension

How is stage difficulty determined? I look into my Zoombini map to be greeted by something strange. Some levels are on "Very Very Hard" difficulty, while others are not even close. "Titanic ...
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Do the Zoombini's names mean anything?

In Zoombinis, Zoombinis are each assigned a name. These names don't help solve puzzles, so what are they for, if anything? Is it so you don't confuse, for example, Cuaqu with Oplie (Actual Zoombini ...
Rainbow Dash's user avatar
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Are there any levels that restrict how many Zoombinis you are able to save?

For the most part, I have found that most of the levels (while not so obvious) always allow the entire group of 16 Zoombinis to complete a puzzle. However, the last level where they are required to ...
Ben's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there any "all or none" levels in Zoombinis?

Most levels of Zoombinis have some form of "penalty" system, where if you get something wrong, you either lose a Zoombini or increase the chance of losing whoever is left. Are there any levels that ...
Ben's user avatar
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If I lose a Zoombini, or mess up a puzzle, can I get them back?

Sometimes when you make enough mistakes on a puzzle, you can lose Zoombinis. Is there any way I can get them back?
Ben's user avatar
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6 votes
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What are the achievements for Zoombinis, and how do I get them?

When the game was re-released, there was a list of achievements added as well. However, in the game, there is only a list of "achievements" (presumably ones already earned), with no indication of what ...
Ben's user avatar
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