Ok first. What you do, is go to this site http://www.filestube.com/63293795650f12db03ea/go.html link is usbxtafexplorer allows you to browse through all files configureed for 360............ and download the file explorer, plug usb into xb360 then move profile over then open usbxtafplorer in the top left click file> open device . content>there is profile under 0000000000000. click extract button to whereever then plug the usb back into 360 and then move profile back to hard drive then go back to usbxtaf and take the file extracted and click inject button where the 000000000000 folder is and there you go you have your copy on the HDD and flash drive... ***NOTE*** you may not have the content or 00000000000 folder to make just copy any theme to the flash drive.. -Imp