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Many games are made to use with xbox contollers
To get Tomb Raider(2013) working with a Logitech Rumblepad 2 or Dual Action Gamepad,
all you need to do is to download the xbox360 gamepad emulator.
Its a smal (free) tool to let a game think your logitech is a xbox360 controller.
(this tool also works with other pc games)

Download & open :
search with Google for: . xbox360cemu.v.3.0.rar

Extract ALL files : ( dinput8.dll xbox360cemu.ini xinput1_3.dll xinput9_1_0.dll XInputTest.exe )
and copy them into the folder where the game was installed, for tombraider thats :

C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Enix\TombRaider

If you have trouble locating the game folder, try searching for:
and place the above files in the same directory as that executable file.

Thats all!
To test your new xbox 360 gamepad emulator click XInputTest.exe in your gamefolder

p.s. If Lara looks up & looks down are wrong in the game:
Open the xbox360cemu.ini file and edit de line:
Right Analog Y= -- 6
Right Analog Y=6