In Sunless Sea, you'll travel to exotic places in a steamboat, meet new and exciting denizens, and then die in some gristly manner or another. I'm curious about the "travel" part: you can go fast or slow, and I'd like to know which method is more efficient (in money-per-distance terms) when you have your lamp on. (If you leave the lamp off, you pick up Terror, and then your crew eventually goes mad and/or mutinies. I'm trying to avoid that particular death at the moment.)
There are two things that make this more complicated, and might make fast travel more efficient than slow travel, even if the engine power itself is less efficient:
- Your lamp burns fuel
- Your crew eat supplies
So: which speed burns more money per kilometer? By how much?
(I'm aware that Sunless Sea is currently in Early Access, and the devs might well tweak the fuel-consumption formula later.)