No, the other player couldn't give you an `Account Bound` item. Neither could you pick up somebody else's `Account Bound` item. There are 4 ways you could have one of them: - You crafted it([`Hellfire Rings`][1], Shoulders, Amulets, Bracers, [`Marquise`][3] gems, `Portal Devices`, etc.) - You inserted a [`Marquise`][3] gem into an item that made it `Account bound` due to the gem. If you will remove the gem, this item will become normal again(unless it was crafted as in the first point) - You found it from some monster(Keys, blacksmith plan for `Portal Device`, various ingredients for [`Staff of Herding`][2]) - You bought it from an NPC(bell for [`Staff of Herding`][2], blacksmith recipes for various difficulties of [`Staff of Herding`][2], blacksmith recipe for [`Hellfire Ring`][1], etc.) Hope it helps ***EDIT*** Totally forgot about one more way to get an `Account Bound` item. If you have a special version of the game(Collectors Edition for example), you will be granted 3 `Account Bound` items: - [`Angelic Wings`][4] - [`Botteled Cloud`][5] - [`Botteled Smoke`][6] It seems like you can also get some exclusive items by registering special versions of other [`Blizzard`][7] games, but I do not have any information about it [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: