This does not directly answer your question but it's worth mentioning. Animals rarely "re-spawn" in the normal Minecraft. Most animals you see spawn with newly generated chunks. That is, when you visit an area for the first time, animals are likely to spawn. However, re-spawning in an already visited area is rare. > Approximately one in ten newly generated chunks will contain mobs, > usually in packs of up to four of the same species. They will always > spawn on the highest available block in a column i.e. the one that can > see the sky. For an animal to spawn on it, this block must be opaque and... > Very rarely, new animals can spawn in already generated chunks, just > like monsters do. When animals spawn in this way, they do so only on > grass blocks with light level 9 or greater above them. This is also a > requirement for animals spawning from monster spawners. Unlike > monsters, animals do not spontaneously despawn, except for wild > ocelots and wolves (which can despawn only when they are hostile). This leaves us with the question of whether the spawning behavior in Pocket Edition is any different. Reference: [Minecraft Wiki][1] [1]: