There seems to be a lot of mismatched information about these resources online, so I'm creating this as a reference for all of the resources, and other information about them like what chapters they drop on.

With all enemy drops, the drop rate is not 100%.

Hopefully these help while looking at upgrade menus, since they don't have tooltips to tell you what the item is.

# Basic Resources

These resources can always be gained by fulfilling the criteria.

* [![enter image description here][1]][1] **Stable Wood** - Created by finding 12 [![enter image description here][2]][2] **Stable Branch**es. Stable Branches can be gotten by placing Forest, Thicket, killing chests as Rogue, or randomly from Ruins.
* [![enter image description here][3]][3] **Preserved Rock** - Created by finding 10 [![enter image description here][4]][4] **Preserved Pebble**s. Preserved Pebbles can be gotten by placing Mountain, Rock, or randomly from Ruins.
* [![enter image description here][5]][5] **Stable Metal** - Created by finding 13 [![enter image description here][6]][6] **Scrap Metal**. Scrap Metal can be gotten by letting items fall out of your bag or randomly from Ruins.
* [![enter image description here][7]][7] **Food Supply** - Created by finding 12 [![enter image description here][8]][8] **Ration**s. Rations can be gotten by placing down Meadow.
* [![enter image description here][9]][9] **Book of Memories** - Created by finding 10 [![enter image description here][10]][10] **Memory Fragment**s. Memory Fragments can be gotten by letting cards get replaced when your hand is full, or walking through a Cemetery.
* [![enter image description here][11]][11] **Metamorphosis** - Created by finding 20 [![enter image description here][12]][12] **Noticeable Change**s. Noticeable Change can be gotten by transforming a tile (for example, Meadow to Blooming Meadow, or Rock/Mountain to Mountain Peak)

# Orbs

These resources require luck, setups, or sometimes moving to a newer chapter.

* [![enter image description here][13]][13] **Orb of Expansion** - Earned by killing at least 5 enemies in a single combat. This can be done by adding a Vampire Mansion near any tile that spawns 4 enemies. *Can be found on Chapter 1.*
* [![enter image description here][14]][14] **Orb of Crafts** - Created by finding 10 [![enter image description here][15]][15] **Craft Fragment**s. Craft Fragments come from any Artificial or Object enemy. *Seems to only drop on Chapter 2+.*
* [![enter image description here][16]][16] **Orb of Evolution** - Created by finding 10 [![enter image description here][17]][17] **Living Fabric**. Living Fabric comes from any Living or Plant enemy (wolfhound, bandit, spider, etc). *Only drops on Chapter 2+.*
* [![enter image description here][18]][18] **Orb of Unity** - Earned by killing Liquid or Swarm enemies (slimes, blood clots, etc). Can be farmed by placing Battle Fields next to each other and spawning blood clots. *Seems to only drop on Chapter 2+.*
* [![enter image description here][19]][19] **Orb of Afterlife** - Created by finding 10 [![enter image description here][20]][20] **Pitiful Remain**s. Pitiful Remains come from Vampire and Undead enemies. *Seems to only drop on Chapter 2+.*
* [![enter image description here][21]][21] **Astral Orb** - Created by finding 10 [![enter image description here][22]][22] **Time Shard**s. Time Shards are earned by killing Cosmic or Mage enemies. Dark Slimes can be spawned by obliterating an enemy from the map. Mages can be spawned with a Bookery next to a Vampire Mansion. *Seems to only drop on Chapter 2+.*
* [![enter image description here][23]][23] **Orb of Immortality** - Earned by killing a chapter boss.
