so... I rewrote your first command so that it is more readable: /summon Skeleton ~ ~3 ~ { CustomName:"Enemy", CustomNameVisible:1, ArmorItems: [ {}, {}, {}, { id:"minecraft:leather_helmet", Count:1b, tag: { Unbreakable:1, display: { color:0 } } } ], HandItems: [ { id:"minecraft:bow", Count:1b, tag: { Unbreakable:1, ench: [ {id:48,lvl:2999} ] } }, { id:"minecraft:totem_of_undying", Count:1b, tag: { display: { Name:"Life", Lore:["For Another Life"] } } } ], ArmorDropChances:[0.085F,0.085F,0.085F,0.0F], HandDropChances:[0.0F,2.0F], UUIDLeast:0L,UUIDMost:0L, ActiveEffects: [ {Id:11,Amplifier:2999,Duration:100,ShowParticles:0b} ] } All your brackets are balanced, so that's all fine. I do notice that some of the values don't have a type identifier behind them, which isn't Always necessary, but I usually just do it. It's good practice. You give this skeleton both a UUIDLeast of 0 and a UUIDMost of 0 Notice that UUID stands for Unique User ID. This means that every entity needs a unique UUID. You are summoning skeletons with the same UUID, which is not possible. But further than that, your command looks completely fine.