If you jump into a low sec gate camp one strategy to survive is to try to warp out before the tacklers can get a point on you. Here your time to warp is a deciding factor.
The question is: Does being "cold" aligned to your warp destination shorten the time to warp and thus gives you an advantage or does it not matter? In other words will it increase the time to warp if your ship has to turn into the direction of the destination while trying to get into warp?
e.g. if it matters than picking a warp destination that lies in direction of your ship would be an advantage. Also having your ship already turned into the direction of a gate perch would give you an edge if you need to warp out quickly.
For the sake of this discussion lets ignore extreme scenarios like boosted insta tacklers that can reliable tackle every ship and ships that can align within the server tick threshold making them un-catchable.
Note that this discussion is about getting into warp from 0 speed. Its not about the benefits of pre-alignment where you are already at speed towards your destination.