Recovery mode is not as simple as just keeping your finger on the power button. Did you try it as documented on [Sony's official site]( I've copied the instructions below: > Activating Safe Mode > > Step 1: Turn off the PlayStation 3 by holding the Power button on the > front of the unit till the Power light is red. > > Step 2: > > Touch and hold the Power button (do not remove your finger from the > button). You will hear the first beep, meaning the PlayStation 3 is > powering on. Continue to hold the Power button and after about 5 > seconds, you will hear a second beep, indicating the video reset. > Continue to hold the Power button and after about another 5 seconds > you will hear a third beep and the system will power off (Power light > is red). > > Step 3: > > Touch and hold the Power button (again, do not remove your finger from > the button). As in Step 2, you will hear the first beep, again for the > PlayStation 3 to power on. Continue to hold the Power button and after > about 5 seconds, you will hear a second beep for video reset. Continue > to hold the Power button and after about another 5 seconds you will > hear a quick double beep. At that point release the Power button. > If > you succeeded in activating Safe Mode, you will see a message on the > screen saying, "Connect the controller using a USB cable and then > press the PS button." Connect a USB cable to the controller > and the PlayStation 3 and press the PS button to enter Safe Mode. You > will now see the Safe Mode menu. > > Step 4: We recommend > performing the safe mode options in the following order until one of > the options works for you. If one of the options work, do not continue > onto the other options. > > Restore Default Settings (item 2) Restore File System (item 3) Rebuild > Database (item 4) Restore PS3 System (item 5)