I am teaching a young kid programming and he is super into Minecraft world. I found out that **Minecraft: Education** has this thing called an *Agent* that can be controlled via a code-blocks type of commands. Checked more info and videos – looks awesome. The problem is: **How do I get this education version?**

I do not belong to any educational/academic organization, do not have a O365 licence and do not have an e-mail from an `edu` domain (e-mail that is issued/provided by educational/academic organization). What I do is home-schooling (like a private teacher). I am located in Latvia, in case it matters.

The kid already has a Minecraft: Java version, but I see that it does not support this Agent. I tried to connect to the Code Connection app and (as I expected) it did not work.

As I googled this topic, I could not find a way for regular people to get (buy?) Minecraft: Education. Could anyone help in this situation? My goal is to have this Agent or even get an Education version since it has a super-duper huge amount of awesome guides, classes, tutorials and classroom tasks.

Although *Code of Hour* and *Voyage Aquatic* are great projects on their own, that is not what I am looking for.