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SWTOR View Distance

I have an annoying problem regarding the view distance in Star Wars: The Old Republic. It used to have a slider during beta where you could adjust the distance stuff would be shown. But now I can't find that setting.

This results in NPCs materializing near my postition. Just like Scotty beamed them down. No, it is not a respawn; it happens with all the NPCs. Best visible when moving towards big creatures like the bantha or icetromper.

Grass and flowers seem to grow as I move towards them.

Using the interfleet transport I can see the front of the space station but everything in it is drawn when I close in. This means at first I can see through the space station and have a magnificent look on the sun in the background.

How can I adjust the view distance?

  • Nvidia GTX 570
  • Driver Version 285.62
  • Windows 7 64-bit
  • 635
  • 8
  • 15