I was hoping to get 2 Master Spheres from Dark Ixion. I understand from [this site](http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Ixion_(Final_Fantasy_X)) that the first form of Dark Ixion does in fact drop Master Spheres one-eighth of the time.

Is it possible that I could get a second on that? I've just defeated Dark Ixion my <strike>eighth</strike>seventeenth time and still no Master Sphere :( I'm pressing on, but I'd like to know that I'm not doing this in vain.


There is about a 10% chance (.875<sup>17</sup>) of this happening, if in fact Dark Ixion's first form does drop Master Spheres at a rate of 12.5%. This means I am more likely to get a Master Sphere on the first try than to not get one for 17 tries. Again, I'd just really like to have someone confirm that Dark Ixion's first form does in fact drop Master Spheres.