Source is [here][1] <code> TH Level G/E Storages<sup>1</sup> G/E Collectors<sup>1</sup> DE Storage<sup>2</sup> DE Collectors<sup>2</sup> CC<sup>3</sup> TH 1 - 5 20%, 200K cap 50% None None 10% TH6 18%, 200K cap 50% None None 9% TH7 16%, 250K cap 50% 6%, 2K cap None 8% TH8 14%, 300K cap 50% 6%, 2K cap 75% 7% TH9 12%, 350K cap 50% 5%, 2.5K cap 75% 6% TH10 10%, 400K cap 50% 4%, 3K cap 75% 5% </code> <sup>1</sup>G/E is Gold/Elixir <sup>2</sup>DE is Dark Elixir <sup>3</sup>CC is Clan Castle -[NOTE]- I use the term "Collector" loosely, it means collector, mine, and drill to their respective resource [1]: