The quickest way to make money is to rob a bank. Therefore, here's *How To Rob A Bank version 2.0*: - Get to the Intermediate ranking - Look for "**Trace A Balance Transfer**" missions. **Accept** as many as you can. As you complete them, note down the **bank IP** and **account numbers** of the accounts which received the money. You won't get these missions after you increase in level, so make sure you accept as many as you can. - Also, connect to Uplink International Bank and note down **their IP** and **your account number**. - Set up a nice long bounce route. Try to have administrator access on the systems you bounce through, it makes passive traces slower. Use InterNIC as your first bounce. - Connect to the bank and **bypass** or **disable** the security. Bypass is preferred if you have that option. - At the bank login screen, **enter the account number** of the target account, and **use the password cracker** to gain access. - Once inside, **transfer** the contents of the account to your Uplink International Bank account, using the details you noted down earlier. - Pull up the target's bank statement and use the Log Deleter to **remove the transfer statement** from the target account. - Disconnect, and then **connect** to the Uplink International Bank using your saved bounce trail. (you did save it, didn't you?) - **Bypass** Uplink International Bank's security. Log in to your account. - **Delete the statement logs** indicating that your account received an input. - **Connect** to InterNIC and **delete** the bounce logs. - You'll know if you succeeded because you'll get >! an immediate promotion to Uber-Skilled. - Congratulations! You're a bank robber! You scoundrel.