As far as I can see that is not posible, here is a list of what you can do while watching a replay:

> Unit Following - You can lock the camera to any unit to follow it
> around the map. To do this select the unit and press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> +
> <kbd>Shift</kbd> + <kbd>F</kbd>.
> Replay Overlay - An overlay in the top left displays various
> information for every player as chosen by the viewer. These options
> are listed below.
>  - <b>N</b>one - Closes the box.
>  - <b>R</b>esources - Displays Mineral, Gas and Supply counters.
>  - <b>I</b>ncome - Displays resource mining over a set period of time and the number of workers.
>  - <b>S</b>pending - Displays where resources are being spent, either on Economy, Technology or Army.
>  - <b>U</b>nits - Displays number of units.
>  - Units <b>L</b>ost - Displays number of lost units.
>  - Pro<b>d</b>uction - Displays all research, construction and production taking place.
>  - <b>A</b>rmy - Displays Army units in terms of resource cost and total Supply stats.
>  - AP<b>M</b> - Displays average and current APM. Due to Game Speed issues, these are currently inaccurate.
> Patch 1.3.0 introduced several new features and Patch 1.3.3 changed
> the Current APM hotkey. These are listed below:
>  - In a 1v1 game, both players’ resource rows are shown in the upper right at the same time.
>  - The main game UI can now be hidden/shown by pressing <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>W</kbd>.
>  - The ability to toggle between player unit colors and team unit colors when watching a replay or observing by pressing <kbd>Alt</kbd> + <kbd>F</kbd>.
>  - New bigger panels are now available when observing or viewing a replay of 1v1 games. These panels are large and are shown in the top
> center portion of the screen:
>   - Player Name Panel: Displays the players' name, team color, race, and supply count - <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>N</kbd>.
>   - Current Income: <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>I</kbd>.
>   - Army and Worker supply: <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>A</kbd>.
>   - Units and Workers killed: <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>R</kbd>.
>   - Current APM: <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>V</kbd>.
> **Tips**
>  - If you've lost a key unit in a game, for example the blue player's [[Banshee]], you may be able to find it by selecting a blue unit and
> finding it on the control group display. Just double click the control
> group the Banshee is in and the camera will focus on the units.
>  - By holding <kbd>V</kbd> when having a unit of one player selected your vision will switch to that of the player until you release
> <kbd>V</kbd>.

Source: [Liquipedia][1]
