This time value has given so many new things in **Compendium 2016** of dota and everyone is buying the battle pass and levelling up by doing task but its really hard to achieve level 100+ without buying the levels but yesterday i'm seeing strange things that people are doing a bad trick to get level up fast.

What they are doing is, creating lobby(2) with friends and then searching on particular server with particular language(like Chinese language) so only those two lobby will get match against each other and then first time, dire(first lobby) will complete the task and second time radiant(second lobby) will complete the task so my question is **isn't this illegal**?? and what if i will follow the same trick, will i get banned from dota?? or is there any other way to level up fast without doing illegal tricks as there are plenty of ways and i think m not sure of them so if you have idea/way which is legal then please let me know. Thank you