> A Roach will be killed by a single Zealot when they both have no upgrades.

Correct, [4 zealots VS 4 roaches will leave you with 3 zealots](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbo2hF0RCx0&feature=player_detailpage#t=115s), without micro.

> I still prefer Roaches over Zerglings to handle early Zealot pressure.

Correct, Roaches are tended to be defensive units while Zealots are aggressive/scouting units.

> I was wondering what's the most efficient way to micro the roaches against zealots?

> Whenever they attack, the zealot will catch up and land a hit.

First of all, Roaches do move faster than Zealots **on creep** allowing you to effectively kite them. Stutter step is indeed the way to go, you can move the damaged roaches to the back if you have what it takes. However, if you can manage to refine your build order instead or be better macro-wise then the micro won't pay of as much as macro. Getting an extra roach can make the difference.

So, when you have excess energy (or planned **a second Queen** to defend the ramp early on) you can spread creep so you have a larger area defended, eventually allowing you to move between your expansion and your base at will. Later in the game, if you plan to go aggressive with your roaches, the roach speed is the way to go but it indeed isn't available in the early game.

Also, as you are defending, **Spine Crawlers** can be useful to have if you have excess minerals.

> Do I need to practice my stutter step, or would it be better to run individual roaches away (the ones that are being attacked by a zealot) while others fire at the zealot(s)?

Start of with practicing the stutter step, it's less micro-intensive than having to accurately move the damaged roach out of them. Once you get better, you can opt for a combination of the two.

**So, a summary**:

 1. Make [the best out of your build](http://www.sc2builds.com/build/797), have that [extra edge](http://blip.tv/day9tv/day-9-daily-325-pvp-where-is-your-edge-5377775) macro-wise.

 2. Defend [on creep](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPKUw0viL9I), so you have more speed.

 3. Add [additional queens or spine crawlers](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdnC8TZ1RZQ), when you have excess minerals from your build.

 4. [Stutter step](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwg5ZtsNr3w), improving later towards [splitting](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGJP0BgvUPA) and [saving individual units](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KCyT9Q28wQ&feature=player_detailpage#t=215s). But, macro first...