I used a priest deck and a combination of battlecries and charges. Basically, as others say, **you want to flood her board with 1-X minions or** even better if she uses **the 0-2 nerubian egg to minimize the damange taken**, ideally to 5, 6 or 7 per round. Then, **use your hero power and battlecry heals to sustain** and **charges to deal damage**. Unlike others, I think **keeping only two units on the board is the key** because you are ensured that they are returned to your hand at the beginning of the next round **thus cycling the combo infinitely**. *Pretty good combo is for instance Earthenring farseer + Arcane golem/Leeroy Jenkins + your hero power. That way you take 1 or 2 damage per round while dealing 4 or 6 damage.* I believe you can also play this with a warrior as in this case the hero powers are equal.