I've been playing Diablo II singleplayer and nonladder for years, and I think I'm going to play in the Ladder this coming time around. I play solo a good deal of the time, and I've never actually gotten a character into the 90's, which I'm shooting for this time around.

I'm iffy about Sorceress builds, because my F-keys are not fully functional 100% of the time.

I usually go Lagromancer, (lots of skellies) but I have literally all the viable equipment, even ladder equipment, on my lvl 85 one, so I'm looking for something different.

My zealers never work out, I don't know why. (I can never find a good enough weapon I think)

I'm not sure what to even DO with assassins. They just don't seem like good characters, I can never follow through with them.

I've literally never touched druids. Seriously.

My primary concern here is mfing (Magic-finding)
I want to get lots of gear that's viable for other ladder characters I make. Uniques usually, sets are often too niche and mercurial for my liking.