I recently found out that I've lost my savegames from The Witcher. I decided, rather unwilling to replay the game in order to try and make the same decisions so that it'll be reflected correctly on the The Witcher 2 game.

However, I do not have enough time to replay it fully -- I want to go straight to the important quests, but of course I don't know which of those have impact on the second game.

That said, I'm not expecting a complete list of every quest available and whether or not it has any impact, but I wish to know which quests (other than the main, *necessary* quests) I have to do. Some examples (which I'll update as I remember):

* Does beating the Poker Dice quests change the game somehow? 
* The weapon that you receive after collecting all Trophies gets carried over? 
* The character build (talents) are reflected?

**Please, pretty please, do not write any spoilers!** I haven't played a single second of the game yet, and I love this game (enough the replay the old one just to get a working savegame).