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World of Tanks is a freemium massively multiplayer tank simulation game in which players fight against other players in 20th century-era tanks.

0 votes

Does World of Tanks really have a 'Russian Bias'?

No, it does not have a Russian bias. The reason behind the claim of a Russian bias is that the developer of world of tanks is a company from Belarus. However, when looking at the statistics of wins …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k
5 votes

Can bouncing bullets hit another tank?

No, this is not possible. A bullet is able to hit the same tank twice (by bouncing of one point of armor, into another point). But it is not possible to bounce off and hit another tank. Once a shell …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k
2 votes

Where to buy a type-59?

Currently the type 59 is not available from the standard gift store. However, during special events or certain periods it's put in the store again temporarily, so if you keep following the world of …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k
3 votes

What does the map choice depends on?

Lower tier tanks will only play on a limited subset of maps, to give players the chance to familiarize themselves with them quickly. Battle Tiers 1 and 2 fight on these maps: Malinovka Himmelsdo …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k
1 vote

How can gold best be used to optimize credits and XP?

For making credits and XP in the long run I would usually answer get a premium tank. In general premium tanks give you more credits than normal tanks, crew can be easily trained and moved to tanks of …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k
1 vote

What determines the actual rate of fire?

The rate of fire on a vehicle can be influenced by the turret installed on it. In the case of the L7A1 the gun will fire at a rate of 4,29 rounds/minute using the stock turret and it will fire at a ra …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k
7 votes

How does experience work for skills in world of tanks?

The "72 xp needed" means that it will take another 72xp to upgrade the skill to the next percentage point. So if your skill was at 11%, then it would take 72xp to get the skill to 12% Too increase th …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k
1 vote

Does matchmaker assign sides by tank type?

No, the sides assigned are random, so you must have been (un)lucky to be placed on the same side every time. Personally I remember at least playing the StgPzIVb at least once on the North side of th …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k
4 votes

how is the daily first battle bonus multiplier chosen?

This is based on the promotion that wargaming is currently running. Normally the bonus is 2x but on special days (mostly the weekend, but sometimes during special periods) the multiplier is increased. …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k
3 votes

If I retrain a crew can I still use them in a lower tier vehicle?

Crew not trained for a specific vehicle will suffer a serious performance hit when trying to operate it. Once you retrain your crew to the tier 6 SPG, they will lose their training qualification for …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k
2 votes

Low-tier battles with high-tier players?

Some days on the clan wars campaign map are limited to certain tiers, so you could try joining a good clan and playing with them. This limits you to playing with low tiers only on certain days though, …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k
4 votes

Does camouflage paint affect your camo rating

Yes, these patterns give you a 5% bonus to your camouflage factor. The camouflage you buy will only be used on maps which it is meant for. So winter camo will only function on winter maps and always …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k
5 votes

Do achievements/awards give any reward?

No, in most cases these awards give you no other reward than looking nice on your profile. So they are in effect "ego-boosters" One important exception is that sometimes Wargaming has events where ac …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k
4 votes

How bad is AMX 13 F3 AM with weaker radio?

I know how you feel, going trough the AMX 12t was one of my worst experiences in world of tanks. My answer would be to definitely get the radio by using the arty, and not the AMX12t. The default ra …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k
6 votes

How to play a Tank Destroyer in World of Tanks?

Many tank destroyers, and particularly the Stug III have a great camo rating, which means that if you play carefully the enemy team will have great difficulty spotting you. While playing this partic …
Xenox's user avatar
  • 12.9k

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