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A 3D exploration and survival sandbox game, based in large generated worlds made of blocks. This tag is for the Java-based edition of Minecraft for PCs. For other editions of the game, please use the tag specific to that edition, e.g. [minecraft-bedrock-edition]

1 vote

What's the most efficient way to acquire Dark Oak Saplings?

I would recommend using the following combination: Use bone meal to grow the trees Use elytra to get on top of tree Mine the tree with haste II eff V and with fortune III to maximize drop rate Repea …
Elliot A.'s user avatar
  • 242
7 votes
1 answer

How can I enable command blocks on my Minecraft realm?

I have created a Minecraft realm, and want to use command blocks(since I created it, I am opped). I got a command block using the /give command; however, when I tried to run a command, it told me tha …
Elliot A.'s user avatar
  • 242