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Anything related to the usage of commands, command blocks, and functions in the Minecraft game series. Always use this tag together with the [minecraft-java-edition], [minecraft-bedrock-edition], or [minecraft-education-edition] tag. Include details about the issue you're having (e.g. commands, error messages, screenshots, etc) and what you've tried so far to solve it. If you're building a redstone device without commands, use [minecraft-redstone] instead.

-1 votes
1 answer

Allow Adventure mode players to click signs

I have signs with custom commands linked to them on my Minecraft server, but they can't be clicked in Adventure Mode, is there a way to enable clicking signs in Adventure Mode?
Jonathan VanRy's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How can I remove large amounts of particle effects from my server without logging in?

My brother used /particle to put particles in my Minecraft server and they won't go away. I can't even get into my server because it lags so much.
Jonathan VanRy's user avatar