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Anything related to the usage of commands, command blocks, and functions in the Minecraft game series. Always use this tag together with the [minecraft-java-edition], [minecraft-bedrock-edition], or [minecraft-education-edition] tag. Include details about the issue you're having (e.g. commands, error messages, screenshots, etc) and what you've tried so far to solve it. If you're building a redstone device without commands, use [minecraft-redstone] instead.

22 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to use NBT tags in commands in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition?

This question was split into different questions for each workaround. See these two meta posts for more information. Can you use NBT tags in commands? I’ve tried commands that normally work in Java …
cherryblossom's user avatar
20 votes

Is it possible to use NBT tags in commands in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition?

If your question was marked as a duplicate of this one, it means your NBT question is not solvable in Bedrock Edition. Unfortunately, there is no access to NBT tags from commands in Bedrock Edition …
cherryblossom's user avatar
8 votes

How to tell if a certain item is in a player's inventory, or a specific inventory slot?

Outdated: pre-v1.18.30 only ExpertCoder14’s answer is better for v1.18.30 and up. You can use /clear<player> netherite_sword -1 0. The -1 matches all data values and the 0 specifies the maximum numb …
cherryblossom's user avatar
7 votes

How do I get a block with data to place myself?

Computers You can do this with the “pick block” control, which defaults to the middle mouse button. Put your crosshair over the block you want to get and then press Ctrl + pick block, which will put t …
cherryblossom's user avatar
7 votes

How can I use CanPlaceOn and CanDestroy in Bedrock Edition?

The BE equivalents of these tags are minecraft:can_place_on and minecraft:can_destroy respectively. You can use these in the /give and /replaceitem commands using the final [components: json] argument …
cherryblossom's user avatar
6 votes

How do I spawn items within a radius of a position?

You can use the spreadplayers command (which can spread entities as well). You will first need to summon the item somewhere and give it the tag teleport which will be used to target it in the next com …
cherryblossom's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can I use CanPlaceOn and CanDestroy in Bedrock Edition?

Java Edition has the CanPlaceOn and CanDestroy NBT tags, which are used to restrict the blocks an item can be placed on and destroy respectively (in adventure mode). For example, the following command …
cherryblossom's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How do I get a block with data to place myself?

Are you looking for how to use /setblock with blocks with data? See this post. How do I get a block with data in my inventory so I can place it myself? In Java Edition, these commands work: give @s c …
cherryblossom's user avatar
4 votes

How can I summon a charged creeper?

You can do this with the minecraft:become_charged spawn event: /summon creeper ~ ~ ~ minecraft:become_charged If you want to also give it a custom name, put the name after the spawn event: /summon cr …
cherryblossom's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How do I use the /give command to give myself a broken elytra?

I want to use the /give command to give myself a broken elytra. So far I have /give @p elytra 1 0 {"Broken":1} but that doesn't work. It then says Component 'Broken' was not an object.
cherryblossom's user avatar
3 votes

Tellraw or a message in chat at a certain 𝑦 level in Minecraft Bedrock?

You can target players within a volume by using the target selector arguments x, y, z, dx, dy, and dz. First, to prevent the players from being spammed with tellraw messages, you need to create a scor …
cherryblossom's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I summon a charged creeper?

In Java Edition, you can summon a charged creeper using the powered NBT tag: /summon creeper ~ ~ ~ {powered:1b} How can I do this in Bedrock Edition, where there are no NBT tags?
cherryblossom's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a way to teleport someone somewhere after they have died (x) amount of times?

If this is for the Legacy Console Edition, I don't think this is possible as scoreboards aren't available. However, if this is for the Java Edition this is easily done with the deathCount scoreboard c …
cherryblossom's user avatar
3 votes

How do I get barrier blocks in bedrock edition?

Use this command: /give @s barrier For some reason the namespaced ID of barriers isn't listed on its own wiki page, so I went to the list of Bedrock Edition data values to find it.
cherryblossom's user avatar
2 votes

Using /setblock to get a command block with a command inside?

Unfortunately, this is not possible. It is only possible on Java Edition where there are NBT tags and it would be like this: /setblock <x> <y> <z> command_block 0 replace {Command:"<command>"}
cherryblossom's user avatar

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