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The 7th Call of Duty game and the fourth from developer Treyarch, taking place during a series of Cold War missions rather than the previous settings of modern conflicts and World War II.

8 votes

Efficiently taking out Sentry Guns in Call of Duty Black Ops?

If you are talking about the Sentry Gun then the following tactics apply Use a flash / stun grenade and then knife it Change to your side with Hacker Pro Use a ballistic knife / tomahawk Deal 1000 p …
Rohan Monga's user avatar
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4 votes

In Call of Duty: Black Ops What gun is recommended for a person with horrible aim?

I would suggest an SMG, probably AK47u with a grip and silencer. The gun has enough ammo per clip so that you can spray if you like. Grip will reduce the amount of recoil and give you a chance at m …
Rohan Monga's user avatar
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1 vote

Are there any alternative controllers for BlackOps on PS3

The aim assist is available only in the campaign not in the multiplayer. The way it works is that it helps you 'snap' to the target nearest to the reticle while aiming down the sights. So maybe that s …
Rohan Monga's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Controlling the RPG

How does one control the RPG (Launcher) in multiplayer? For me it seems to always go a little too high or straight into the floor, whereas my opponents seem to find my face pretty consistently. Is th …
Rohan Monga's user avatar
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4 votes

What are some tips for shooting down spy planes?

They are fairly easy to spot [bigger than mw2], you just have to check out the skies for a moment. Here is a video, so that you know what to look for.
Rohan Monga's user avatar
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13 votes

Can you actually finish Zork in Black Ops?

Well, according to this walkthrough, you can.
Rohan Monga's user avatar
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0 votes

I am having latency problems

afaik, bandwidth wouldn't have anything to do with ping. I play with 1Mbps and it is usually fine. You should find out if your pc/ps3/xbox has open ports/DMZ. If your ISP is throttling traffic over …
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