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Gnomoria is a 3D graphical program greatly inspired by Dwarf Fortress. In Gnomoria, the player is in charge of building a community for a group of gnomes in a somewhat dangerous fantasy world. The player directs the gnomes, instructing them to what and where to build, mine, farm, live, brew, store, work, etc. Players can build grand structures above and below ground.

3 votes
1 answer

Do gnomes kill other gnomes? If so, how?

I ran across a strange situation. I was looking at a gnome who had not been very helpful in a recent combat, and realized that there was a Kill entry for a gnome in his list. How did my one gnome ki …
0 votes

What are the purple tiles?

From looking at the placement, I am guessing that you placed a grove over the tiles. Based on what it looks like you are doing, and the fact that it looks like you are working at elevation 1, since t …
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3 votes
1 answer

How do I improve my Gnome's armor skill?

I have worked up a training program that allows me to run a military where I can let a couple squads train up to fight the incoming riff raff. In my two squads currently, for each gnome I have betwee …