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A fantasy action RPG from 2011 by Bethesda Game Studios. If your question is about the Dawnguard, Hearthfire, or Dragonborn DLCs, then use this tag in conjunction with the related DLC tags: [skyrim-dawnguard], [skyrim-hearthfire], or [skyrim-dragonborn].

7 votes

Which enchants are worth the most money?

You can make a lot of money from enchanting all kinds of things found in the game. I'm not sure how z calculated the proportions they mentioned but here are the Weapon Enchantments sorted by base cos …
Chris Redford's user avatar
1 vote

Where can I find lots of petty creatures to charge my soul gems?

Mudcrabs. Unlike the spiders, they respawn fast, within days. Unlike other general wildlife, they are hostile, so you don't have to chase them down. Unlike bears, horkers, and draugr, they are easy an …
Chris Redford's user avatar
-1 votes

Are there any spells for mages to perform sneak attacks?

Destruction Based Stealth Mage Progression I am playing a stealth destruction mage. I got my Sneak up to 38 simply by always sneaking in Dwemer ruins and during the College of Winterhold quests. I ha …
Chris Redford's user avatar