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6 votes

How did Austria expand to 4 tiles away without a citadel?

It isn't against the rules, although it is a little unusual. Cities can naturally (through Culture gains) acquire tiles up to five hexes away from them. They can only work the inner three rings of ...
Cadence's user avatar
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4 votes

Which wonders can I not speed up with a Great Engineer in Civ 5 BNW?

You can't hurry Manhattan Project, Apollo Project, and World Congress projects as they are projects rather than wonders.
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
4 votes

City State Empire?

A city state is a civilization in many aspects. They research at their own pace, they build stuff at their own pace, and they also have things like happiness and upkeep A city-state usually will have ...
Raestloz's user avatar
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2 votes

Civ V and City State Allies

It can be a result of gunboat diplomacy, but there are other factors that also play a role here, such as: if these city-states share the same religion with Byzantium, their influence decay will be ...
Mng1's user avatar
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1 vote

Can you build with a worker and a legion at the same time?

No, unfortunately. You have to wait until the legion or worker is done. Protip: If you want to build a road fast, the combination of a worker and a legion can be very useful. Since they can stand on ...
klutt's user avatar
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Civilization V Patronage social policy tree when playing as Alexander

Percent bonuses are additive If you have racial 50% bonus and 25% social bonus, you should get in the end, as expected a 75% bonus. Source
Yasskier's user avatar
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Civ V Multiplayer - Change turn mode while in a game

I made a simple web app that will let you change the game parameters of a save file, including the turn mode: Civilization V save editor Just open your save file in the app and change the value under ...
bmaupin's user avatar
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