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Which is the original "L’Abbaye des morts" game?

The original game is a freeware Windows game by Locomalito, written in 2010. It was intended to have the look and feel of a ZX Spectrum game. It was then rewritten and open sourced by MoonWatcher, and ...
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How do I run Commodore 64 games on

The website seems misconfigured. Just use the games at the Internet Archive.
Alberto Salvia Novella's user avatar
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In Bard's Tale 3 (for the Commodore 64), sometimes I am attacked with the message "phazing her". What does this mean?

"Phazing" is just flavor text, like "draining." It appears to actually be a different damage type in the game, named next to 'critical-hit,' etc, however it does not have any additional effects. The ...
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