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3 votes

Are there "points of no return" in KoA:R?

No, there aren't any points of no return. You can even continue playing after finishing the main story. There are a couple of branching questlines, but those should be obvious before making a ...
Dulkan's user avatar
  • 17.4k
1 vote

How many points to fill up Fate Meter?

I believe you get 50% of EXP as fate. I did at level 18 at least, meaning you need 200 exp from creatures for 100% fate.
user179694's user avatar
1 vote

How do I kill Ambassador Brenner?

I could not enter aggressive mode. So I pick pocketed her on memory lane at night when she WOULD notice, the pickable items don't include the daggers, but once she yells, " thief", you can ...
April Harris's user avatar

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