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3 votes

Is there a programmatic way to retrieve a player's current gamemode using the @minecraft/server module and WITHOUT using command blocks?

As of @minecraft/server version 1.10.0-beta, it is now possible to access the game mode programmatically using the new .getGameMode() method of the Player object. Documentation: https://learn....
Quack E. Duck's user avatar
3 votes

Do behavior packs on BE need to be purchased by players who join the world?

Yes, you can so long as the mod is from the official Minecraft marketplace. My friend on Playstation invited me (on pc) to his world and despite me not owning the pack, it still let me join and play ...
Xendex's user avatar
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Enchanting items in a custom crafting recipe

If you haven't yet, begin by familiarizing yourself with the Vanilla packs. Within a behavior pack you can define a crafting recipe in the recipies folder of your behavior pack: Unfortunately, ...
Taco's user avatar
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3 votes

Item component "on_dig" has been removed - How to handle tool durability in new Minecraft Bedrock addons?

UPDATE: This now requires the latest beta version of @minecraft/server, 1.10.0-beta, to be specified in the manifest.json file. Otherwise, it will not work. Here is a solution using server-side ...
Quack E. Duck's user avatar
2 votes

Recipe for enchanted armor/weapon

Like @Jmooroof said, this isn't possible with the system as it is right now. However, here is a workaround you could use. You could create a recipe that gives an item a ridiculous data value (integer),...
AdamRaichu's user avatar
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2 votes

Run .mcfunction every tick

I had a hunt around on (check it out, might help you with future problems) and found this. Functions that are listed in the file BP/functions/tick.json, where BP is your behaviour pack ...
Josh Hales's user avatar
1 vote

Attempting to use a Crafting Table in a world where my addon is active causes Minecraft to hang with Event 1002 (on Windows 11). Why is this?

This can be caused by a circular reference between two or more different files in a pack's 'Recipes' folder. In non-technical terms, you've most likely switched around two recipes with regards to ...
Quack E. Duck's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a complete list of world.beforeEvents and world.afterEvents current for the latest stable version of the @minecraft/server module?

Here is the full list, which is current as of @minecraft/server version 1.11.0: world.beforeEvents explosion itemUse itemUseOn playerBreakBlock entityRemove playerLeave playerGameModeChange ...
Quack E. Duck's user avatar
1 vote

Can't execute function from load.json

I did a lot of looking around, and unfortunately, I do not believe that BE supports the load.json tag. I did find this article from, which shows how to run a command the first time the ...
AdamRaichu's user avatar
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Custom item's "on_consume" event gives error "child add_mob_effect not valid here"

It's not just "on_consume" that no longer works in 1.20.30. All block and item events seem to be non-functional. There is a workaround: the desired functionality can be accomplished using ...
Quack E. Duck's user avatar
1 vote

Are World Slots in Minecraft Bedrock Realms completely isolated from each other?

They are in fact completely disconnected from each other. You can store three completely different maps in those three slots, and they will all retain their settings if you change the settings of a ...
Plagiatus's user avatar
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Do behavior packs on BE need to be purchased by players who join the world?

No Your kids don't need to buy your behavior packs again. Although sometimes the game will prompt them to download certain ones, NOT buy them. In other words, if you already have purchased a pack and ...
Tiimzee's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the behavior pack out of a MCworld file?

Go to the world you want and then go to behavior_packs/. In there will be the behavior pack folders, just copy the folders in there to your resource_packs folder in your Minecraft Appdata.
Penguin's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the behavior pack out of a MCworld file?

Extracting Just open the .mcworld file with an archiver e.g. WinRAR. Then go to the behavior_packs folder and extract your behavior pack. If the behavior pack requires a resource pack, then you will ...
randomuser922's user avatar

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