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7 votes

How to let cacti grow even if no player is near?

Currently, the random ticks only happen within the 16x16 chunk area around the player. That means even keeping the chunks loaded doesn't help if there's nobody within the radius. The common vanilla ...
SF.'s user avatar
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3 votes

/give command will not work if i add enchantments or attributes

This is most likely a plugin command conflict problem; this happens when two commands register themselves as "/give". My suspicion is that you have "Essentials" or "EssentialsX" installed on your ...
Zach K's user avatar
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2 votes

Mobs becoming invisible in Minecraft?

It might be because you have to download both the resource and behavior pack. cause if you only download the behavior pack, the mod will be there, you just won't be able to see it because the resource ...
Sam67's user avatar
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2 votes

Can't Use /Summon Command

I believe that Essentials overrides the /summon command. To circumvent this, you can either do this in the bukkit.yml, or use a different command. The command to override it is /minecraft:summon ...
Oliver's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the maximum number of players on a Minecraft/Bukkit server?

There is no cap. 32-bit Java simply crashes after 2,147,483,647. If you had 64 bit Java you could probably go up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 but 32 bit clients that try to join your server might ...
Edward Wilson's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a bukkit plugin to run small scripts when players (re)spawn?

Since the other (marked correct) answer was written in 2012, CommandHelper now supports binding to events and therefore this is possible with only CommandHelper installed as a plugin. Install plugin ...
LeigerGaming's user avatar
2 votes

Moving From Vanilla Server to Bukkit

This thread helped save me a major headache for my server when migrating from Vanilla 1.11.2 to Spigot 1.11.2. However, I ran into a couple issues that I solved through additional steps. Here are the ...
Taiidan's user avatar
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2 votes

How to force player to ride in a minecart?

The only possible way would be to write your own plugin, or.. Use RailCraft mod. RailCraft has embarking track, which is able to load entities into minecarts. When track is applied the redstone ...
Antoine Hejlík's user avatar
2 votes

How do I import maps onto my minecraft server?

A basic Google Search linked me to their store: According to their 4th Tier plan, they offer a plugin for importing worlds called Scaffold. As a general question, it is ...
AmusingThrone's user avatar
2 votes

How to import single player minecraft world into server folder

Place the world folder from the saves directory into the root directory of the server. (the same folder the server file is in) You have to change level-name in the file to match ...
IronAnvil's user avatar
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2 votes

How to import single player minecraft world into server folder

The world folder has to be called "world". In general, if you are in such a situation, you can start with the default world, then copy the parts of the world one by one and see if they work. That way ...
Fabian Röling's user avatar
2 votes

How to port a pre 1.13 plugin to 1.15 or higher?

Start with importing the project into your IDE. The next step is to add the newer version of the API to your project's build path. If the project is using Maven or Gradle, the API should be listed as ...
MegaCrafter10's user avatar
2 votes

Can't join my server: "$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: no further information"

I know that my ip4 address is: and I put this in "" file. Don't. Leave your server-ip to (blank). Your server will just bind to your local address and ...
aytimothy's user avatar
  • 17.1k
2 votes

Is it possible to have a Minecraft server with multiple worlds, some of which are modded?

I think you wouldn't be able to host multiple Minecraft worlds with different sets of mods on the same server instance, but you could have a hub server without any mods and a proxy service like ...
kwzuu's user avatar
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1 vote

Finding bed on server

If you have set the bed properly you and the admins can access it properly. However, depending on their config you may need to have slept in it in order to get saved. Also it is possible to have it ...
dly's user avatar
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1 vote

Get plugins (like Multiverse) in a normal Minecraft server?

You can not use plugins with an unmodified server. You will have to download one of the alternative servers. You will not have to start over though. You can continue to use the same world files. ...
IronAnvil's user avatar
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1 vote

Using console to /setblock in a world other than "world"?

You could try something like the following: /execute in minecraft:the_nether run setblock <x> <y> <z> <block> replace
Joseph Colton's user avatar
1 vote

Using console to /setblock in a world other than "world"?

The short answer is "No." Setblock's command usage: /setblock <x> <y> <z> <block> [dataValue|state] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag] does not provide a means for specifying a ...
Frelling's user avatar
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1 vote

/warp, /sethome, /home, /bal, and /pay aren't working with Essentials 1.10 Plugin

The normal essentials version is very outdated, you should use essentialsX(CI Server:! If essentialsX also does not works it has to do with ...
Jamie's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I get a resource pack on a single world on a server which has multiple worlds?

I think that this is what you are looking for: This allows you to change resource packs per-world as well as allowing you to use a ...
Evan's user avatar
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1 vote

Minecraft SMP randomly teleporting to a set location

Just in case anyone else has this problem, I had a command block set to silently teleport people to that location. I dug out around where it was and confirmed there was no way it could be activated. ...
MCFX2's user avatar
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1 vote

Elytra mechanics in Minecraft

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Elytra can't be put on Armor Stands. Also, you can't determine when X and Z postistions are constant. Remember that the Elytra don't give you the ability to ...
NightcoreGaming232's user avatar
1 vote

How do you allow de-opped players to use ServerSigns in MC 1.7.10?

To do this, when doing the /svs add put /svs add *[command] and not /svs add /[command]. It will allow all players to use the ServerSign. To make a special sign do /svs setperm [perm] and only ...
Dusan Dakic's user avatar
1 vote

How Can I Stop TNT From Blowing Up?

To disable mob griefing (basically stop any mob from causing damage to the ground, which includes creepers, the wither, and the ender dragon) type this command in chat: /gamerule mobGriefing false ...
GaberGen's user avatar
1 vote

How do I teleport a player that has two specific scores in Minecraft

To those looking at this and using 1.13+, here's the new format (using MrLemon's example): /tp @a[scores={scoreboard=1,anotherscoreboard=3}] X Y Z You may also run the command as the player directly:...
TobyMinceraft's user avatar
1 vote

How do I bypass the 16 character limit on username prefixes?

Yes, I think Bukkit uses this restriction. You should look up how to open and find the Bukkit config. Everything is explained at their Wiki. In their config there is a setting how long your prefix ...
jepjep40's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I kill a (summoned with commands) named Ender Dragon?

If it's a hostile mob, setting the gamemode to peaceful should do the trick.
Minecrafter112's user avatar
1 vote

Mobs becoming invisible in Minecraft?

Make a repeating command block that runs this command: effect clear @e invisibilty See if that works, someone might've made another command block that gives entities invisibility.
Ded Turtle's user avatar
1 vote

Ore spawning randomly underground when mined

A command-based option that also requires WorldEdit (assuming that WorldEdit commands can be run from command blocks), would be running 3 command blocks on a not-too-fast clock. Let's say you want ore ...
Egor Hans's user avatar
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