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41 votes

Why do older generations games have a common look and feel by console?

Much of the "look and feel" of games of that era (up to roughly the early 3D era) was driven largely by technical limitations and tradeoffs of the consoles themselves. The Sega Genesis, for ...
Paul Z's user avatar
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21 votes

Connect SEGA Mega Drive 2 to smart TV

I would connect it in this way. The Video output of SEGA Mega Drive 2 would be connected to the Video(Y) at the back of the TV and the audio out of Sega would connect to White Audio/Mono socket at the ...
hjpotter92's user avatar
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13 votes

Can you identify this Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) game from 1991 or before?

The game is Hokuto no Ken - Shin Seikimatsu Kyūseishu Densetsu. It's also known as Last Battle outside of Japan.
Izuka's user avatar
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8 votes

Connect SEGA Mega Drive 2 to smart TV

Looking at the back of your TV, I don't see why you can't just use normal RCA cables. The yellow cable (video) would plug into the yellow/green socket, and the red one (audio) into one of those red ...
Timmy Jim's user avatar
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6 votes

Are the old Sega games free to use or they are still under some license?

It is illegal to download free copies of Sega’s games. Under US copyright law, works created after January 1st 1978 are usually protected for at least 70 years. You can legally purchase ROMs for ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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5 votes

Will US Genesis or Sega Saturn controllers work with my EU Mega Drive?

While @Fana's answer is correct for whether a US controller will work on an EU system, it might also be possible to repair your current controller rather than replacing it, (depending on what is wrong ...
Robotnik's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I kill the sandworm?

The worm doesn't die, you can only bring it to 1/2 of its health and then it disappears. It's best to just leave them alone source:
jelly's user avatar
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5 votes

What is Blast processing?

The term "Blast Processing" was originally coined in reference to the high-speed DMA controller in Sega's Yamaha VDP graphics processor. This allowed much faster DMA transfer speeds than the SNES, ...
Иво Недев's user avatar
3 votes

Everdrive save states, how is it possible?

Although the theory is somewhat sound, the answer you quoted is probably mistaking these older cartridge consoles as computers. If you look at some of the weirder hacks, there are ways to reprogram a ...
Nelson's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I kill the sandworm?

Best way is to position your units along the edge of rock - if the sandworm comes along they'll attack automatically. It does have a lot of health but will eventually be chased off while you ...
ArnJ32's user avatar
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3 votes

How should foreign consoles be powered in Britain?

You shouldn't need anything additional to power your N64 in Britain. I've found a few sources to back this up and https://forum.speeddemosarchive....
JMac's user avatar
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2 votes

What are this passwords' meaning in Splatter House 3

I found more guides about this over at GameFAQs. The multiple passwords per stage or level (these are synonymous, it's just a bit of internet ambiguity) are used as a rudimentary save-game feature. ...
aphid's user avatar
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2 votes

How should foreign consoles be powered in Britain?

The Japanese mains voltage is 100 V, 50 or 60 Hz (depending on the region). The US mains voltage is 110 V, 60 Hz. The UK’s is 230 V, 50 Hz. The frequency should not matter for consoles. As far as I ...
Jan's user avatar
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2 votes

Connect SEGA MegaDrive 2 to hdtv

Is that a Sega-specific cable? According to Wikipedia, it sounds like the Mega Drive / Genesis used specialized cables: The back of the model 1 console provides a radio frequency output port (...
Adam V's user avatar
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1 vote

Which is the original "L’Abbaye des morts" game?

The original game is a freeware Windows game by Locomalito, written in 2010. It was intended to have the look and feel of a ZX Spectrum game. It was then rewritten and open sourced by MoonWatcher, and ...
Alan B's user avatar
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1 vote

Sega 32x passthrough works but 32 bit cards don't

Ok - so it appears to be related to cleanliness of the contacts. I cleaned them with contact cleaner but I think this has some detergent in it - I've now cleaned them with IPA and it's working fine.
Mark Mills's user avatar
1 vote

How to map certain Kega Fusion functions to a gamepad?

Based on a hint in the comments, the JoyToKey program was used to remap my controller to the desired keyboard inputs. As an added bonus, the remap also only occurs when a specified program is ...
plu's user avatar
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1 vote

How should foreign consoles be powered in Britain?

As far as i know, you would need a step down transformer of some kind in order to get the voltage from 220v to 110v or lower. Depending on what sort of power you need will change the price of the ...
Branch's user avatar
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Connect SEGA Mega Drive 2 to smart TV

Just bought a megadrive 2 to resell and tested it using Red wHite Yellow cable RCA to AV cable. Sound works fine but black and white graphics. When using the original RCA cable that has the ANT RF ...
Hellothere's user avatar
1 vote

Connect SEGA Mega Drive 2 to smart TV

As I can see from the picture, your first RCA connector is half green and half yellow, this means that it can accept both Green component either Composite video. Most of the AV devices uses to accept ...
Valerio Trillo''s user avatar
1 vote

Will US Genesis or Sega Saturn controllers work with my EU Mega Drive?

You can use controllers from master system, Atari, and Mega Drive (including US genesis) of any contries on your Mega Drive. The controlers are compatible between all old consoles (except of nintento)....
Radon8472's user avatar
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