A 2017 platformer developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. The story revolves around Mario and his new companion Cappy as they chase Bowser across the world in an attempt to rescue Princess Peach.
A 2017 platformer developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. Early in the game, Mario meets Cappy, a hat-ghost that can take the form of any hat that Mario owns. In addition to being fashionable headwear, Cappy allows Mario to take control of certain enemies, granting him various special abilities - for example, Goombas don't slip on ice and can stack with other Goombas, frogs can jump really high, etc. The game uses this mechanic in a number of puzzles, but of course there's also good old platforming.
Mario and Cappy spend the game chasing after Bowser, who has yet again captured Princess Peach and is trying to marry her. To that end, they travel across the world, visiting several kingdoms in the process.
General Info
- Release Date: October 27th, 2017
- Developer: Nintendo
- Publisher: Nintendo