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6 votes

Why are some Bestiary entries yellow?

Yellow entry enemies are the ones you need to kill to unlock new characters or achievements. Also confirmed in this Steam thread by one of the developers who confirmed a similar answer.
Izuka's user avatar
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5 votes

What does luck do in Vampire Survivors?

Luck increases: The chance of getting a fourth option to choose from when leveling up The chance of getting Pickups other than Gold Coins or Coin Bags when destroying light sources The respawn rate ...
pinckerman's user avatar
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4 votes

How do you "evolve" a weapon?

To evolve weapons, you have to select the support item that matches with the weapon type, get the weapon to max level (you do not have to max out the support item), then the next chest will contain an ...
walrus helmet's user avatar
4 votes

What does Restore Backup do?

Backups are a feature apparently added in 0.2.11 version: Backups are automatic, if you ever lose your data, it’s probably due to the game engine not shutting down completely or to a rogue file in ...
pinckerman's user avatar
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3 votes

Can banished items appear in chests?

Banish removes it from treasure chests as well. It can still be levelled or gained from stage pickups. More Info:
trappski's user avatar
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Do items despawn in Vampire Survivors?

According to Reddit: XP gems never despawn. When you get too far away from them, the gems are grouped up, often into reds.
pinckerman's user avatar
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2 votes

Does attacking a ring of flowers make it disappear faster?

Each flower is a individual enemy with slow speed and high health. By focusing fire on just a few, you can create an opening. If you're having trouble while inside the ring though, I would recommend ...
Grollo's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the most efficient upgrade path?

While from a pure "spend my money most efficiently" standpoint, "priciest thing first" is correct. But if you want to get the most money in the fewest runs, then a luck-based build ...
Malady's user avatar
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2 votes

Does upgrading mini crewmates do anything?

It has effect! According to the fandom pages of those crewmates, (and playing with the Mini Ghost). They imitate a weapon/item: first level of Mini Ghost is the same as first level of the Lancet. 2nd ...
Omniswitcher's user avatar
1 vote

Can I not unlock Random with Menya Moonspell?

Yes, you either can't unlock Random with Menya, probably have to do it with a Base Game Standard Character or have to get all the others of "that" type first. Because when using the last ...
Malady's user avatar
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Can a Pentagram destroy experience orbs while a Vacuum is in effect?

From personal experience, The Pentagram triggering can stop a Vacuum, if all the experience gems drawn by the Vacuum are already on-screen when the Pentagram triggers. A.k.a the Vacuum makes each and ...
Malady's user avatar
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1 vote

What happens if I pick up an upgrade for a fully upgraded item?

It "upgrades" the item, but it doesn't gain any more stats.
OrangeDog's user avatar
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What is the most efficient upgrade path?

The most efficient way is by always upgrading the most expensive item first. I was googling the same question and there were suggested paths but they didn't make sense + the game is being updated ...
Иво Недев's user avatar

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