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6 votes

What's this repeating area in the original Zelda?

If it's the maze I'm thinking of, you need to go through it in a special order. North -> West -> South -> West This video shows it:
Sorean's user avatar
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3 votes

When playing an N64 game on Wii virtual console, what is happening when the spinning N logo appears?

It's loading both the emulator and the entire N64 ROM into RAM, and also loading a firmware handler to run the console in "N64 mode." Most emulators on Nintendo's systems (beyond the simpler NES and ...
ArrowCase's user avatar
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2 votes

Wii save data on the Wii U

The save files are compatible if you play the original Wii VC game in Wii mode (an option on the Wii U menu for playing Wii games), but not with the upgraded native Wii U VC versions of the games.
ekolis's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a legitimate method for saving/restoring installed games on Wii after the shop is shut down in 2019?

As long as you have an external storage medium with enough storage for the games, it's possible. You can keep the games on this medium, and then you can use the method here to play them off of the ...
Lily Crimson's user avatar
1 vote

Is my controller broken or does Paper Mario naturally move up and down slowly?

Knowing Nintendo, no, this shouldn't happen. I have many controllers that are loose in the knob as well, and they are way too sensitive (or not sensitive enough). I think you are just going to need to ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 vote

How to recover a deleted save file in Pokemon Gold Virtual Console?

Once a save file is deleted, there is no way to recover it.
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