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I'm a web developer (I'm usually program using (PHP || C# || jQuery)). When I'm not working I'm usually playing games, cooking or watching something on my mac. Bellow is a short list of games that I'm playing or have played recently.
- League of legends
- Diablo series
- Civilization V
Stack Exchange is a fast-growing network of 128+ question and answer
sites on diverse topics from software programming to cooking to
photography and gaming. We build libraries of high-quality questions
and answers, focused on the most important topics in each area of
expertise. From our core of Q&A, to community blogs and real-time
chat, we provide experts with the tools they need to make The Internet
a better place. Learn more about us...
Wheaton's law
During his keynote speech at the 2007 PAX (Penny Arcade Expo), Wheaton
made a note about sportsmanship when playing games online. It has
since become known as Wheaton's rule or law, which states "Don't be
a dick!"¹ This was intended to apply to life in general, not
just online gaming.²
A revision of Wheaton's law is an expansion by comics artist and
writer Bill Willingham, which states: "Don't be a dick, but it's okay
to play one on TV."³
Answering (For my own reference mostly, but fell free to use)
Here are some links that may help with answering questions: How to Answer, How do I write a good answer to a question?, Are answers that just contain links elsewhere really “good answers”?