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Brian's user avatar
Brian's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
13 votes

Why do Grand Master players not seem to rush at all?

11 votes

Does a hunter's machete increase damage from smite?

9 votes

What is the advantage of buying elixirs?

8 votes

Which are good / bad targets for ignite?

7 votes

Is it good to have a mix of champs that are strong either early or late game?

7 votes

What is the best way to play a support champion?

7 votes

Do pets receive a sight benefit from their Parents' Oracle's Elixir?

7 votes

What can make you lose a Ban in the LCS?

6 votes

Is it possible to Arcane Shift into an Essence Flux fired by myself and gain the attack speed buff?

6 votes

Is getting wolves early still viable?

5 votes

When is better to swap top and bot lanes?

5 votes

What is the precedence of Guardian Angel compared to other revive effects?

5 votes

Does Awareness (mastery) increase the XP gained from Sage (mastery)?

5 votes

What ways are there to interrupt things like Leonas E

4 votes

How is the order of champion pick selected (draft pick)?

4 votes

What is a safe high elo counter to Leona if Thresh and Lulu are banned?

3 votes

How much CDR does Yasuo's Q get from bonus attack speed?

3 votes

How does "The Hunt is On!" work if Kha'Zix and Rengar are on both teams?

2 votes

Spoils of War Passive

2 votes

League of Legends damage modifiers while channeling

2 votes

Can Master Yi's Ultimate quickly destroy Thresh's 'The Box'?

1 vote

What is the reason for the lack of Kayle junglers?

1 vote

New season 4 map image

0 votes

Does a Non-Rengar-Associated Pentakill give Kha'zix a fourth evolution point or not?

0 votes

Is there a way to assign damage to multiple defenders?

0 votes

What is the difference between waveclear and pushing power?

0 votes

Sejuani vs Leona Support