I am Slovak student/developer/gamer. Welcome on my profile page.
I am java-developer in small company in Brno-Czechia, + I am studying at Masaryk University- Faculty of Informatics. In free time I play games on my notebook, the most I play DOTA2, and WorldOfWarcraft, both of these games are very time consuming so when I play DOTA2 i do not play WOW, and change my priority free time game 2-4 times per year. Sometimes I play others games for change here is list of my most favourites: <Half-life(whole serise), Overwatch, Civilization, L4D2, Portal2, CS:GO, Hearhstone> and other games I play you can find on my steam profile.
I am big fan of Warcraft lore so I read all books about this universe. And classic fantasy authors as: Tolkien, Paolini, Pratchett.
I read a lot of news, from trusted source because in these days are a lot of missinformations and lies on internet, and i think it is very dangerous, so do not make your opinions quickly and unobtrusively.
I can speak Slovak/Czech (almost same language), English(B2) und ein wenig Deutsch(A1).
FC Liverpool fan. YNWA!
My steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lambda-y
My Battletag: SHARLY#2315