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Andrew Henry's user avatar
Andrew Henry
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 12 years ago
12 votes

Why don't we see more Veigar in League of Legends?

5 votes

Why are these champions not viable top?

4 votes

Is there a counter to Yorick?

3 votes

Is Mundo a strong jungler?

3 votes

Will AP items and runes help auto-attack heavy champions?

3 votes

What does an AP mid do to help achieve map visibility and maintain it?

2 votes

Why don't you see Nunu played in mid?

2 votes

How can a good player carry a game?

2 votes

What are the characteristics that a champion should have to jungle?

1 vote

What should Nocturne be doing during team fights?

1 vote

Will any Target Spells follow Shen across the map if he ult teleports?

1 vote

What makes a good support champion?

1 vote

How do you decide what items to buy/what to build?

1 vote

Who is the best Partner for AD Kog'Maw?

1 vote

What makes or breaks a solo AP Mid?

1 vote

Becoming a Jungler in ranked, Any tips on how i can become more consistent?

1 vote

What Bot-Lane combination counters nunu-kog?

1 vote

How do you choose when to invade the enemy jungle?

1 vote

How to position in team fights as AD carry

1 vote

What's the best way to earn "Demolition Man" trophy?

0 votes

How to select champion before automatch?

0 votes

What is the most important lane to carry (mid, bot AD, jungle, or top)?

0 votes

How to counter olaf top?

0 votes

What are some strategies to turn the tables when you're losing?

0 votes

Do "Gold per 10 seconds" items stack?

0 votes

Why is dragon worth more than a top turret?

0 votes

For beginners, what champion would be suggested to start off with?

0 votes

Ziggs has amazing range and AP damage; what the best way to counter this?

0 votes

Does Spell-Vamp work with Smite? And is it useful on AP champs?

0 votes

How do you counter Vladimir?